Tango Boise

Your Connection to Argentine Tango In Boise

Tommy Smith

Teaching and Philosopy

Tommy discovered tango in early 2012 and immediately became obsessed. Since then his love for exploring both the technical and emotional facets of tango has grown. His skills and interests run the full spectrum: teaching, DJing, performing, and organizing. Constantly seeking out top tango instructors to train with, Tommy is committed to the notion that learning tango is a journey, not a destination.

Tommy brings his analytic and organized teaching style into the tango classroom, drawing from extensive experience as a professor of engineering. He values deep investigation into the “whys” and “hows” of tango movement, striving to present concepts that both reinforce each other organically and are accessible to students of all levels. He teaches comfortable and connected social tango, emphasizing embrace, thoughtfulness, and musicality. With over 6 years of tango teaching experience, Tommy has taught in multiple locations around Boise, as well as regionally at events such as Boulder’s UniTango Festival, Missoula’s Spring Tango, and Salt Lake City’s Mountain Milonga.

Uploaded by Tommy Smith on 2018-02-22.
Tommy Smith, photo by Bassel Hamieh

Tommy Smith, photo by Bassel Hamieh

DJ Philosophy

Tommy also has a passion for traditional tango music and DJing, and he believes understanding the mind of the social dancer is the key to great DJing. He has a simple mantra: OPB (Only Play Bangers!) To educate and motivate beginning DJs, progressing DJs, and those interested in tango music, he offers semi-regular DJ workshops. Events he has DJ'd at include DC’s Tango Holiday, Portland Tangofest, Tango on the Rocks, and Austin Spring Tango.

If you have questions or comments for Tommy contact him via phone or email:



Special Workshops and Events

July 2nd, 2020, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Online)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87465805286?pwd=TG1XQUZ4Z0l6SzJVVDZvMkVad2RBZz09

Zoom meeting is password protected. Please email Tommy or message on Facebook to obtain the password. tommykurtsmith@gmail.com

DJ Workshop Special Topic - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg


Class is pay-what-you-want. I realize there are many people struggling right now, and I’d like to make the class as accessible as possible. There is absolutely no expectation to donate!

However, if you do feel so inclined, you can use the button below to support the class. Heartfelt appreciation to everyone, whether you support with a donation or simply your attendance.



Cortinas are often treated as a simple divider of tandas, relegated to a purely functional role. However, they also play a vital role in the energy and enjoyment of an event! Proper care can help elevate a good milonga to great, and neglect can cause an otherwise pleasing milonga to feel insufferable.

This workshop is a deep dive into the cortina in order to elevate your DJing. You’ll learn things like:

  • Controlling milonga flow - cortina length, energy, and music choice

  • What makes a good cortina? What makes an awful cortina?

  • Using a cortina to express your DJ personality

  • Cortinas as a way to avoid problems and save you from milonga disasters and planning for certain scenarios

  • Technical considerations - file quality, volume, and compression, among others.

  • Group exercise on making a cortina - step-by-step guided walkthrough. You’ll leave the workshop with a cortina you made on-site.

Things to Bring

  • Download audacity HERE and install before class

  • Bring a song file you’d like to make a cortina out of. If you’re not sure about the quality of your song file, I suggest you buy a new version from Google Music store, Amazon, etc. It’s only $1.29 MAX

DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to institute Health & Safety protocols as needed.

Tango Boise Photo Gallery

Tango Boise Inc., a registered 501c3 and qualified non-profit organization. Tango Boise Inc, your connection to Tango in Boise!

All rights reserved ©tangoboiseinc2014-2024, ©lynettedaudt2013-2018

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Tango Boise Calendar